I have news to share with my tatting friends! InTatters in now on Facebook! I am not sure if this is old news to some of you out there, but I stubbled across this fact today, and thought I would share, just in case some of you don't know yet. Make sure you check out the InTatters Facebook site!
Another giveaway to announce as well! Ambitatterous is having a giveaway for a lovely soap and lotion set. This giveaway is in honor of International Tatting Day, also know as April Fool's Day to the non-tatter. April first is a day to celebrate our love of tatting. So enter to win this special gift, and keep on tatting!
Ok, I am sure you can tell by the lack of tatting updates I have had little tatting to brag. Well, life's that way sometimes. Four boys to run around after (14, 12, 9 and 15 months) sometimes makes finding tatting time impossible. No matter how busy they keep me, or how much sometimes I wish I had more "me time", I know these days are flying by and someday I will miss this. So I try to enjoy the chaos, and squeeze in time here and there. And I have managed to do a little.
I am a little over halfway done with the edging on mom's doily, and have been playing around with two other small projects. If I could have just focused my attention on mom's I would have finished by now, I know, but sometimes you just can't help yourself. And now I need to redirect my focus and work on a pendant for the InTatters pendant exchange. I am really excited about doing an exchange again! But this is yet another setback for completing mom's doily. I think I might need your help to keep me motivated please:-) I will keep you posted!
A finish to the volunteer's crosses(I think). ;)
So...I finally filled in the center with just rings.
It made it pucker a little, but if I blocked it I
am sure it would be flat.
Next is an idea I got in...
2 weeks ago